About Bang Pham Van

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Bang Pham Van is a master tactician in options trading with over 18 years of live trading experience and over 15,000 trades under his belt. 

Bang is the creator of many proprietary trading strategies, including the Bull Bang™, SNIPEX™ and Earnings Sniper Spread™ that have earned him over USD 200,000 in trading profits. Using his risk-controlled, high-ROI methods, he even grew $100K to $204K in just 9 months.

As a trading mentor, Bang has imparted his skills to over 4,500 traders from 124 countries. He is trusted by his students for his sincere approach and generous sharing in guiding traders towards success.

Bang holds a Master’s in Business Administration and is a senior finance manager at one of Forbes’ global top 50 MNCs where he has worked for over 20 years.


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