So firstly I’d like to thank the great folks over at iFAST TV for the wonderful interview they had with me recently.
Topics: Stock Investing, Trading Psychology, Wealth Creation
So ever since Jerome 'Big Mouth' Powell did a 'Clubber Lang' on the markets, you can see that it's been down for 5 days...
Topics: Stock Investing, Trading Psychology
The S&P 500 officially entered into a bear market on Monday, and to most people that sounds really scary because bear...
Topics: Stock Investing, Trading Psychology
For many of us investors (especially the newbies), right now is a psychologically painful period. A perfect storm of ...
Topics: Stock Investing, Trading Psychology
You can have a “sure-win” strategy but still lose if you neglect one thing — your trading psychology. Every day, Forex...
Topics: Trading Psychology, Forex Trading